Here's Ryann on Easter.. What a cutie...

Ryann's cousins Lucy and Nora...

Nora and Ryann hanging out in Ryann's crib.. How freaking cute is that face???

Ryann and Lucy at
JB's on Easter Day....

We were going to go to Zions for the day but we didn't realize how much money it was going to cost... so we decided to look at the gift shops in
Springdale instead.. The weather was so nice... We had a great time..

Lucy, Ryann, and Nora

Tyler's family come down from Idaho to spend Easter with us... So we got to swim at there hotel one of the days they were here... Ryann LOVES to swim... She just kicks her legs and screams... I love watching her have so much fun...

She kept getting out of the pool and back in... She would jump off the side of the pool into her daddy's arms.. She has no fear of the water... and now when I give her a bath she splashes so much water it gets all over me and the whole bathroom...

Ryann is finally walking everywhere... It took her a while but now we can't get her to stop... I love this little girl so much.. I don't want her to grow up:( she just looks so much bigger now that she is walking...